• Ph.D. Computer Science

    2018 - 2024

    University of Alabama in Huntsville

    Context-Aware Machine Learning for Low-Burden Brain-Computer Interfaces

  • M.S. Computer Science

    2013 - 2015

    University of Tennessee

    Visual Analysis of Multivariate Transition Data

  • B.S. Computer Science

    2009 - 2013

    University of Tennessee

    Mathematics Minor, Honors Concentration


Lead AI Engineer - Camgian

2024 - Current

  • Machine Learning

    Applying novel machine learning techniques in counter-UAS and operator assistive systems.

  • Algorithm integration

    Tuning and implementation of data fusion, sensor processing, and navigation algorithms in swarm response and air defense software platforms.

Senior Principal Engineer - Software - Acutus Medical

2023 - 2024

  • Algorithm Development

    Software for heart mapping devices used in treating chronic atrial fibrillation. Implementation, validation, and optimization of high-performance algorithms for realtime navigation within heart chambers during surgical procedures. MATLAB, C#, C++ with hardware acceleration in SYCL, OpenCL, Eigen, MKL.

  • UX

    Frontend design for controlling data acquisition during heart procedures. WPF.

Machine Learning Engineer — Plainsight

2021 - 2023

  • Simulation

    Used modern 3D tools such as Unity to generate large-scale synthetic datasets to augment computer vision and machine learning applications. Integrated into pipeline for 3D visual reconstruction.

  • AI Development

    Used Google Cloud and other distributed platforms to execute customer-specific tasks to designing, training, adapting, and deploying automation models in industrial settings. Used standard industry toolsets including Juypter, Colab, Docker, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, FastAPI.

Solution Architect - Radiance Technologies


  • Systems Integration & Prototyping

    Led AI Innovation Cell to fund and organize new machine-learning projects. Spearheaded engagement with new technologies such as brain-computer interfaces, virtual reality interfaces, drone swarms, and battle management systems. Pitched government on new avenues for artificial intelligence integration into other sectors. Oversaw development of semi-autonomous drone software. Deployed to embedded platforms such as NVIDIA Jetson. Worked with sensor suites such as RGBD and LIDAR.

    Led development of signals intelligence automation to predict specific terror attacks using modern tools such as deep anomaly detection. Analyzed its use in risk analysis, overfishing detection, and other real-world problems. Performed liaison duties with government for equipment, data storage, staffing.

  • Community of Interest Lead

    Coordinate tech talks, submission archives, and industry situational awareness across community-wide community of subject matter experts in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

    Led internal AI Innovation Cell.

  • AI-ML Portfolio

    Centralize efforts across multiple offices in multiple states to consolidate all AI-ML past performance into single, consistent portfolio indexed to performance date, keywords, and customer.

  • Big Data Prototyping

    Worked across a 10+ company team to prototype web-based frontend as part of a technical scenario contract bid. Performed live usage of prototype during oral presentations.

  • Intelligence Outreach

    Won two rounds of funding for continued development on SIGINT anomaly detection through a campaign of product demos and pitch meetings.

  • Swarm Algorithm

    Prototyped swarm algorithm to orchestrate boat formations for Drive-the-Boats government competition.

  • xTechBOLT

    Competed in pitch competition for neuroscience-focused medical training acceleration. Designed concept based on using social network analysis and machine learning to power smart-targeted transcranial direct current stimulation for motor skill learning such as applying sutures in the field. Won a round of funding and made it to 2020 semifinals in Radiance’s first foray into applied neuroscience sector.

  • Business Development

    Consulted on acquisition decisions, investment discussion, and company growth direction in AI-ML sector. Regularly managed, wrote, and submitted whitepapers, proposals, and RFI responses.

  • Marketing

    Produce slick sheets, kiosk displays, and other marketing materials for use at conferences and exhibition halls across the country. Led internal briefings, demonstrations, and training sessions to facilitate awareness of AI-ML throughout the company and evaluate its role in other R&D and integration activities. Pushed company into sectors including tactical edge computing, facial recognition, and applied machine vision.

Software Engineer - Radiance Technologies

2015 - 2020

  • Systems Integration Lab

    Performed system architecting responsibilities for systems integration lab to facilitate swapping out hardware-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop, and simulation-based components. Designed and built UI for analysts to author test scenarios in a drag-and-drop interface and monitor the state of the execution during testing. Coordinated with team of four using agile development process to develop auxiliary applications for recording, playing back, and displaying details of test. Wrote specification for configuration and data files. Performed lab testing of framework. Created Software Development Kit to assist other companies in developing adapters according to framework standards and provided regular support to integrating their applications within the lab.

  • Anomaly Detector

    Designed, implemented, and documented modular pipeline and API to execute processing stages in autoencoder-based anomaly detection system for intelligence applications. Served as development lead for technology pivot from previous pipeline. Worked with subject matter experts in intelligence domain to implement, test, and evaluate candidate modules. Produced data visualization to showcase results. Investigated and applied explainability algorithms to enrich output to analyst customers.

  • High Energy Lasers

    Designed and built UI for operator control of high-energy laser weapon system. Implemented networking layer backend to translate between weapon system communications and platform-agnostic command-and-control messages for frontend. Reverse-engineered existing networking API where documentation was lost or lacking from previous vendors. Built custom controls to add targeting assistance overlays onto streaming videos from on-board sensors. Added map views to show state of multiple weapons systems in integrated battlefield depiction. Interfaced with Xbox gamepad for ease of control and added user settings to customize controller properties. Created custom horizon overlay control to visualize targets and safe-to-shoot areas.

  • Machine Learning

    Assisted with projects involving gunfire detection, computer vision, target cueing. Oversaw design of new technologies from data acquisition, model design, and integration perspectives.

  • Air Range Automation

    Performed customer-facing rapid prototyping of a UI and support algorithms to present integrated view of aircraft test range with auxiliary functionality such as automatic video routing, radar coordination, and no-go zones. Worked with teammate to rebuild prototype into full-scale application with associated simulation application for testing. Interfaced with range hardware devices to execute optimization algorithms and used terrain database to determine obstructions in video. Successfully passed all formal review processes including design reviews, factory testing, and site testing. Wrote user manual and performed on-site training. Received customer accolades stating that project was the “most joyful of experiences in developing and delivering an absolute new capability to the Range” in customer’s entire career.

  • Drone Flight

    Evaluated candidate algorithms for guided drone flight on mobile-GPU based quadcopter control boards and made recommendations to government customer.

  • Mentoring

    Regularly mentored intern developers on how to work within design specifications to implement new features. Taught how to apply good coding standards and use version control within a team.

  • Demonstrations

    Provided stakeholder demonstrations, created training videos, and performed customer-interfacing duties alongside development work in most projects. Regularly gathered feedback from end-users and customers and responded with design adjustments to fit shifting customer requirements.

Graduate IT Assistant - University of Tennessee

2013 - 2015

  • Systems Administration

    Maintained UNIX infrastructure including LDAP authentication and server upkeep. Developed internal modules for account maintenance. Made and ran network cables. Served as on-call for server room monitoring.

  • Helpdesk

    Supported walk-in users with account and lab resource issues. Handled support tickets. Performed on-site user assistance.

Academic Research

  • 2014 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Developed software for user-directed analytics to visualize of human migration data and support rapid hypothesis generation of lung- and breast-cancer risk factor.

  • 2013 - University of Tennessee

    Supported social media mining and text analysis for research into public outreach by California-based providers of pediatric hospice care.

  • 2012 - University of Tennessee

    Explored using inter-keypoint relationships as feature descriptors for robotics-oriented depth-sensor object recognition. Implemented Histogram of Orientations to Nearest Keypoints descriptor.

  • 2011 - Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Studied with the Lab for Brain-Like Computing and Machine Intelligence focused on EEG-based applications. Participated in executing data recording experiments. Assisted with English translation for in-draft textbooks and conference presentations.


  • Radiance Technologies

    2020 - xTechBOLT Phase I Winner

    2019 - Associate Technical Fellow

    2017 - Team Player Award (Company-Wide)

    2017 - Technical Excellence Award (Integration & Prototyping)

  • Academic

    2024 - UAH College of Science Certificate of Appreciation

    2020 - IEEE IGARSS 3MT Finalist

    2013 - EUReCA Award

    2013 - Best Analytics Team

    2011 - ACM Programming Team MVP

  • Scholarships

    2012 - Edgar Wyman McCall Scholarship

    2011 - Ready for the World Grant

    2011 - Anthony L. Vest Engineering Scholarship

  • Early Life

    2008 - SkillsUSA State Gold Medal in 3D Visualization

    2006 - Eagle Scout


  • Programming Languages











  • Frameworks









  • Content Creation





  • Topics

    Machine Learning

    Systems Automation

    Desktop Applications/UX

    UNIX Scripting

    High-Performance Computing


    Brain-Computer Interface

    Cognitive Computational Neuroscience

    Bio-Inspired Computing

    Data Visualization

  • Soft Skills

    Proposal Writing & Management

    Public Speaking

    Technical Writing

    Business Development



  • Exploring Dependence of Subject-Specific Training Strategies for EEG Based Brain-Computer Interfaces

    T. W. d. Wit, V. Menon, T. Davis

    SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2024, pp. 848-853

    doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon52093.2024.10500151.

  • EEG Context Fusion for AI-Based Object Detection and Drone Navigation in Situationally Aware Brain-Computer Interfaces

    T. W. d. Wit, V. Menon, N. Tenhundfeld, T. Davis

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) pp. 122-128

    doi: 10.1109/ICTAI59109.2023.00025.

  • Informed Trading Support for the Amateur Investor on the New York Stock Exchange

    T. W. d. Wit and V. Menon

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data pp. 2948-2955

    doi: 10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006544.